1800 - 1874
Millard Fillmore
The great law of morality ought to have a national as well as a personal and individual application. We should act toward other nations as we wish them to act toward us…. First Annual Message
Born into desperate poverty at the dawn of the nineteenth century, Millard Fillmore climbed to the highest office in the land—and inherited a nation breaking into fragments over the question of slavery. Despite his best efforts, the lines of the future battles of the Civil War were drawn, and Fillmore found himself rejected by his own dying party and denied renomination. After almost a quarter of a century out of the White House, he died in New York state in 1874.
Fast Facts
Summerhill, New York
Six months of grade school; read law in 1822
"The American Louis Philippe"
February 5, 1826, to Abigail Powers (1798–1853); February 10, 1858, to Caroline Carmichael McIntosh (1813–1881)
Millard Powers (1828–1889), Mary Abigail (1832-1854)
Forest Lawn Cemetery, Buffalo, New York